Top 10 Excel Shortcuts EVERYONE Should Know

10 Excel Shortcuts EVERYONE Should Know



Everyone agrees that maximizing productivity is crucial. Microsoft Excel presents a plethora of features that can streamline your workflow. One of the most effective ways to bolster efficiency is by utilizing Excel shortcuts. In this article, we’ll explore a selection of time-saving keyboard shortcuts that will make you a proficient Excel user in no time.



Excel Shortcuts for Amplified Productivity


  1. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V (Copy and Paste):

These fundamental shortcuts enable you to swiftly replicate and transfer data within an Excel worksheet. Of course, this is not only used in Excel. In fact, these shortcuts are pretty much universal when it comes to computing. Simply select the desired cells or range, press Ctrl+C to duplicate, navigate to the destination, and press Ctrl+V to transfer. This eliminates the need for manual copying and pasting, saving you valuable time.


  1. Ctrl+Z (Undo) and Ctrl+Y (Redo):

Made an error? Don’t fret! Ctrl+Z undoes the prior action, while Ctrl+Y redoes it. Once again, this is a universal shortcut that pretty much every program has. These shortcuts prove advantageous when experimenting with different formulas or formatting options, providing the flexibility to revert or reinstate changes effortlessly.

  1. Ctrl+S (Save):

Once again, this is a universal shortcut that most applications have adopted. Ctrl+S instantaneously saves your Excel file, helping you avoid potential data loss. Make it a habit to use this shortcut frequently to safeguard your progress and ensure peace of mind. If you use this shortcut on a file that is not net saved it will prompt the Save As feature, allowing you to choose the location in which to save your file.


  1. F2 (Edit):

Need to make prompt alterations within a cell? Press F2 to enter the edit mode directly, allowing you to modify the cell’s content without manually clicking on the formula bar. This shortcut expedites data entry and editing tasks.


  1. Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End (navigate the current worksheet):

Navigating through extensive Excel worksheets can be time-consuming. By pressing Ctrl+Home, you can swiftly jump to cell A1, the top-left corner of the worksheet. Similarly, Ctrl+End takes you to the final cell used within the worksheet. These shortcuts are particularly useful when dealing with extensive data sets.


  1. Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down (navigate to next and previous worksheet):

If you’re working with multiple worksheets in a workbook, Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down aid in swift navigation between them. These shortcuts are valuable when cross-referencing data or analyzing different sheets simultaneously.



  1. Alt+= (AutoSum):

The Alt+= shortcut provides a swift way to apply the AutoSum function. Select a range of cells, press Alt+=, and Excel will automatically insert the SUM formula for the selected range. This is especially useful for calculating totals and subtotals efficiently.

  1. Shift+Spacebar and Ctrl+Spacebar:

Individually selecting cells or entire rows/columns can be time-consuming. Shift+Spacebar allows you to select the entire row of the active cell, while Ctrl+Spacebar selects the entire column. These shortcuts simplify data manipulation and formatting tasks.


  1. Ctrl+D (autofill formula):

Everyone knows that you can put in a formula into Excel, then then select the cell with the formula, drag and drop it down to auto fill the rest of the cells. But did you know there is a shortcut key to do this for you? Select the cell with the formula you want to expand on, then hold shift and select the cell you want to autofill to. Once the range is selected, press Ctrl+D and all the selected cells will autofill with the formula from the first cell in the selection.


  1. Ctrl+P (print):

This one is also pretty universal, but also very handy. If you need to print a sheet of the workbook, simply press Ctrl+P and the print screen window will appear. This saves a lot of time, especially when you need to do this often.



Excel shortcuts are invaluable tools for enhancing your productivity and efficiency while working with spreadsheets. By incorporating these time-saving keyboard combinations into your workflow, you can streamline your tasks, save valuable time, and accomplish more in less time. Begin practicing these shortcuts today and experience a noticeable boost in your Excel proficiency.



But wait, there’s more!

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This collection contains all of our concise Excel cheat sheets as well as two more PDFs exclusive to the bundle. That is a total of 15 pages that outlines every think you need to know to supercharge your Excel experience!

This Bundle includes:

* The Top 25 Excel Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet
* The Ultimate Excel Guide: Top 80 Functions
* The Top 25 Excel Conditional Formatting Cheat Sheet
* The Ultimate Excel Guide: Top 41 Math Functions
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* The Ultimate Excel Guide: Top 50 Macro Calls
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