Due to a shift in focus on other products, DATA to ASCII is no longer a ‘Pay-to-Use’ product. As of 05/29/2020, DATA to ASCII has become a freeware software. DATA to ASCII can be used for personal and business use. Gray Technical, LLC still retains the right to DATA to ASCII and all code related to the product. Gray Technical, LLC can, at any point, with or without reason or notice, change this status. By downloading and using this product you agree that this product is a Free, ‘use at your own risk’ product. Support on this product has now became a lower priority.
If you wish to activate this product please use this license below:
Distributed Site License: LA86Y-A6Z8E
Download DATA to ASCII
If you enjoyed our product you might consider donating for your use. Donating is completely optional; however, it does help support the programmer and our business.
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DATA to ASCII is the fastest way to convert rendered data into raw XYZ data, Guaranteed!
Specifically made for 3D Model and Geological drilling logs, DATA to ASCII is an application that quickly takes XYZ data stored in various formats and converts them into a standardized CSV Data Sheet that any program can read. No longer do you need to fumble through multiple applications or data editors just to see your raw data. DATA to ASCII can read, preview, convert and export your data into multiple formats, including Excel formatted CSV data tables.
Do you need the location data from your 3D rendered object, or exact XYZ locations of a point inside of your geographical map? DATA to ASCII can convert many file formats directly into other data formats with ease!
DATA to ASCII has the ability to preview and convert multiple files at once. Simply load your data into the application, select your output source and click convert. It is so simple; you will wonder how you ever gathered raw data from your files before.
We are currently working on expanding the list of compatible file types for DATA to ASCII. The current acceptable formats for import and export are listed below:
If you have need for another file format please let us know so we can expand our list! Please email our support at support@graytechnical.com.
Try DATA to ASCII today and see how simple converting your rendered data can be!
Sample Import .LAS Data — Sample Export .CSV Data
Download DATA to ASCII HERE!
If you enjoyed our product you might consider donating for your use. Donating is completely optional; however, it does help support the programmer and our business.
[wpedon id=9359]
Current Version:
System Requirements
1mb hard drive space
Product Support: Email Support Only
Tested OS
Windows XP
Windows 7
Windows 10
Proprietary and encrypted files will still have the same proprietary and encrypted algorithm present in converted document from the original document. Not ALL files are compatible. However, with the preview window you can easily see which files are compatible and which are not.